Crowdfunding has really given organizations like ours a chance to reach people from all around the world.

To truly help provide additional funds to people less fortunate both in their financial situation as well as their disabilities. Everything for people with disabilities is more expensive and in most cases it is not covered.

We will be starting our first campaign June 2015. We will keep you posted.

The money we hope to raise will be for the following:

Hand Cycles

for people with disabilities

We want to be able to purchase a large group of the Hand Cycles for people and athletes to use to compete and stay healthy.

Tandem Bikes

For Visually Impaired

There is no programs available to the visually impaired and deaf people and athletes. We want to make that happen here and around the world.


Teaching them how

Coaching and Training is a very important part of what we are doing here at the foundation. Every person and athlete who has never used a hand cycle or a tandem bike will need to be taught how to ride.